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Kitchary Cleanse



With Terra’s Ayurvedic Cleanse you will focus on the elimination of toxins from the blood and lymphs, supporting your body’s natural internal healing process with this easy-to digest food fast.

The program will help you cleanse the liver, balance your hormones, improve gut health and build immunity. There is often a misconception that in order to cleanse our bodies we need to undergo extreme fasts and diets. Often times when we take such aggressive approaches, we end up doing more harm than good.


When we learn more about Ayurveda, and being to embrace its ideas, we eventually start to tune into the intelligence of our bodies, knowing how to nourish it, what feels right, what gives us energy, what depletes us. We begin to learn to use our food as fuel and medicine. A nourishing diet become a sustainable way of eating, an enjoyable and crucial part of our lifestyle.


While there are many variation of cleanses, the core idea in Ayurveda is to simplify what we put into our bodies. A consistent diet whit-out too many ingredients mixed in prevents the usual taxing of the digestive process, avoiding “distraction“ and allowing the body to fully focus on the detoxing or cleansing aspect. Thus a uniform diet of fresh beans, grains, specific spices and lot if tasty and juicy fluids makes this a supportive and enjoyable cleanse rather than an intense or depriving fast. Terra’s Ayurvedic Celanese acts as a digestive reset. It encourages the body’s natural cleansing mechanisms by moving Ama (toxins) out of the tissues and the digestive track whilst strengthening Agni or digestive fire.

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