Open Daily 8.00 AM – 9.30 PM
Dine in, Take away, Delivery & Shop

Menu Shop & Delivery Events

Terra Kuta Lombok healthy plant based food gluten free vegan café vegetarian slow food raw food foodie restaurant food with love surf yoga team chef


A former teacher at the Japanese Macrobiotic School, Mamiko is an inspiring Chef who has worked in famous establishments such as Chez Panisse (California) with world-renowned chef and pioneer of the ‘Slow Food Movement”, Alice Waters, Sayuri Healing Food (Ubud) & Purple Valley Yoga Retreat (Goa).


1. All our food is vegan and gluten-free
2. 20% of our vegetables come from our own organic garden
3. We use homemade coconut milk
4. We do “activate” our seeds & nuts as well as our rice, which

increase their nutrient value.
5. We use superfood in all our smoothie drinks & bowls and

across our menu
6. All our desserts are raw, which enhances its taste and

nourishing value

“I love eating spring rolls in Asia; the experience opened my eyes to a new set of flavours and combination of textures. The Italian hint in the food was exciting and has left me extremely satisfied.”

“Desert point is one of my favourite spots. After surfing I love a big meal with calories. This experience has showed me that you can get energy and calories from quality ingredients. Terra; a great option with nutritional value for any kind of activity.”

“I was wandering around Kuta on my motorbike looking for new food options. I found Terra, a tranquil place that offers a unique experience. Their refreshing Mediterranean flavours transported me to the Tuscan coast in Italy and then to a crowded street food market in Tokyo. This has been a unique experience. ”

“I’m a fan of markets in every city in the world. I love to search out sustainable and organic products produced by farmers in the area. Borough market in London, Chelsea market in New York or La Boqueria in Barcelona are among my favourites. I discovered this and more in Terra: healthy, fresh, vegan food that’s nutritious and prolongs life.”

“I don’t really enjoy eating vegetables, but I used to love cooking them with my mum. I didn’t really know what to expect, but Terra has made healthy food into a fun experience.”

Kids voyage



Nutritionist and founder of Terra


Carlota cree que la nutrición es una herramienta imprescindible para hacer salud.

En un mundo dónde la exposición a factores de riesgo para nuestro cuerpo está en creciente auge, es necesario cuidarnos por dentro para impactar de manera directa en el fuera. Esta premisa la ha llevado a abordar la nutrición desde una mirada holística.

Motivada por su inquietud de explorar campos muy diversos, ha ido enriqueciendo su conocimiento con un único objetivo: mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas. Su formación es un amalgama compuesto por tres grandes pilares: la nutrición (Diplomada en Nutrición en la Universidad Ramon Llull y experta en nutrición celular), la ciencia (Licenciada en Ciencia de los Alimentos) y la cocina como chef y fanática de la gastronomía de todo el mundo. Para ella, no solo basta con plantear dietas y menús, su motivación principal es entender a las personas y trabajar la alimentación junto con el alma.

Carlota conforma su receta personal con la pizca de sal que le aporta el mar, la dosis justa de disciplina que el deporte le ha inculcado y todo salteado con la pasión por el yoga, los viajes y la gastronomía.

“El microbio no es nada, el terreno lo es todo”. Claude Bernard


Nutritionist and founder of Terra


One day Rita tried raw food and life acquired other colors.
And now its goal is to show people that healthy food can be beautiful, not boring and good to taste.
After all, food is one of those important aspects of our life on which our longevity, appearance, and most importantly – the state of mind depends. We are what we eat. We are what we think about.

Her attitude towards cooking is it’s all about spices. We eat with our eyes, we eat with our noses, we eat through memories. It is very important to combine spices skilfully and you can turn upside down any dish.
It is necessary to give people the flavors to which they are accustomed. In doing so, use other products and techniques.
(Avoid heat treatment and products of animal origin)

The decoration of the plates is also part of the art. A dish is a canvas, and everything else is a paint.
After the school SOL, Being a fan of gatronomy and healthy eating, Rita graduated from the academy of Mk. She tries to combine these two directions: vegetable nutrition and the art of fine cullinary.

Rita says: “Every time, inventing a new recipe, magic happens. Isnt it magical: combine several spices and vegetables to turn them into works of art with a game of flavors and colors.”


Terra is on the main street of a coastal town in the south of Lombok called Kuta Lombok. This island is between South East Asia and Oceania. It’s a tourist destination frequented by people from all over the world who seeks tranquillity, well-being, new experiences and a connection with nature.


Restaurant open from 8.00 – 9.30pm and we do home delivery

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+62 859 3663 3130

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